Comments on the proposed ICMJE Disclosure Form

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Displaying 1 - 129 of 129 comments
  • Liz Brindley
    NIHR Journals Library
    Role(s): Other
      • Editorial Office
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 - 06:21

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Requesting disclosure of anything directly or topically related is appropriate but I do wonder how it will be received by researchers in terms of burden. The risk of inadvertent omission is high.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Marvin Ginsburg
    Date Submitted: Saturday, May 9, 2020 - 12:16

  • Donald Hatton
    Date Submitted: Saturday, May 9, 2020 - 10:18

  • Eugene Sangmuah
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Friday, May 8, 2020 - 08:15

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No

  • Gary Giordano
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 12:42

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Yangheng Fu
    Date Submitted: Sunday, May 3, 2020 - 23:08

  • Gary Giordano
    Date Submitted: Sunday, May 3, 2020 - 10:05

  • Babar Junaidi
    Emory University Hospital
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Saturday, May 2, 2020 - 18:06

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Kevin Horton
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Friday, May 1, 2020 - 10:09
    Comments: none
    Comments: none

  • Avery Hart
    Role(s): A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 22:14

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Avery Hart
    Role(s): A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 22:14

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Avery Hart
    Role(s): A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 22:14

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Katherine Mullins
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 21:07

  • Bill Jeffery
    Centre for Health Science and Law
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
      • a public health lawyer focussing on food, nutrition and conflict of interest issues
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 20:07

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: Medical journals serve a public trust of the highest order, arguably discharging more consequential responsibilities than those exercised by judges, regulators, and journalists, because medical editors are custodians of the global collectivity of evidence that proximately and mainly determines the care upon which billions of lives depend in perpetuity. Moreover, journals that accept advertising revenue from pharmaceutical, medical technology, and insurance companies should be as proactively transparent as they expect of researchers. 1. The pathways of possible undue financial influence is not constrained by the research topic. The editorial explaining the rationale for the proposal should place more emphasis on public health and transparency than possible stigma of researchers. The proposal invites researchers to minimize the appearance of conflicts of interest by declaring them "directly" or “topically” unrelated. This incorrectly indicates that influence follows the logical nexus of the stated purpose for funding and is meaningfully compartmentalized by institutional sub-units or recipients’ minds. Money is fungible and funding provided to a researcher or institute for one purpose, foreseeably influences other research in the proximate institute. Instead, ask: “Does the funder have a foreseeable interest in the research or the other activities of the researcher or her/his employer?”

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: 2. Expand the scope of disclosure from 3-10 years. People and institutions are required by law to retain payment records for six years for tax purposes and 10 years for care. Active researchers continually update their cvs. Recipients of grants for multi-year drug trials, for example, should not be relieved of disclosing funding by publishing articles 37 months later. 3. Researchers should disclosure the quantum of financial support by year. Research indicates that even small reciprocities (such as a single paid meal) can bias opinions of researchers, but transparency requires that readers see amounts of compensation which likely have a commensurately larger influence. 4. Vetting and penalizing flawed disclosures: Journal editors should judge the most relevant and probative disclosures to prominently display in articles, and publish full disclosures open-source on journal websites. The form should guide editors on fact-checking disclosures and penalizing errors and omissions like academic dishonestly. 5. Do not blur the distinction between financial and non-financial conflicts of interest. So-called “non-financial conflicts” can destructively impugn selfless collaboration with public interest groups or expert knowledge translation, and can enable researchers to misleadingly dilute reports of real conflicts of interest with long lists of roles in “board, society, committee or advocacy group” activities. I will submit the full text of this comment with a few scientific references after it is vetted for publication next month in our consumer magazine, Food for Life Report, a science based consumer publication that carries no advertising and accepts no funding from industry.

  • Douglas Einstadter
    MetroHealth System / Case Western Reserve University
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 20:03

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: Form too crowded. Grants from public sources (e.g., NIH) generally are already reported as part of the work.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Are Brean
    Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association
    Role(s): A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 11:33

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed disclosure form. We support the idea behind the new form, but would like to suggest a few amendments. Firstly, the meaning of the wording is not always evident. This might especially be the case for authors who do not have English as their first language. This applies for, at least, some of the alternatives listed in the first column (i.e. "Receipt of equipment, materials, drugs, writing, or other services"). We therefore suggest to include definitions or examples. Furthermore it would be helpful with a couple of examples of "Name of the relationship or activity" in the second column. An idea is to supply some fictitious examples; person A and B with diverse relationships and activities, and how the form would look like for those persons. These examples could possibly be posted on the website to facilitate the understanding of how to use the form.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: We generally think it is a good idea to let the reader judge whether relationships and activities are potential conflicts of interest, and to list all. However, we consider the form to be quite extensive and detailed, which may result in reduced, rather than increased, transparency. Important conflicts of interest (pardon my French) might be secluded in between less relevant activities. We would therefore suggest two amendments: 1. Order the categories from top to bottom by the severity of the activity/relationship. I.e. most readers would consider owning stocks in the drug company in question as a more serious conflict, than to participate in a guideline panel. 2. Merge some of the rows. I.e. " Participation on a Data Safety Monitoring Board, Advisory Board, or Guideline Panel" could be merged with "Leadership or fiduciary role in other board, society, committee, or advocacy group, paid or unpaid", and "Payment or honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers bureaus, manuscript writing, or educational events" could be merged with "Payment for expert testimony".

  • Joanne Khabsa
    American University of Beirut
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 05:54

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Overall, the form is clear. I have the following suggestions: 1. being explicit that any relationship should be included (of any value, regardless of a certain threshold); 2. being explicit about including the source of the conflict (e.g. name of the company); 3. adding a clarification that non-financial institutional relationships may also be relevant to disclose (e.g., adoption of certain political or religious positions). These suggestions were discussed with Dr. Elie Akl.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: Overall, information collected is appropriate. I have the following suggestions: 1. adding disclosure by “close relatives” with examples (spouse/partner, children, etc); 2. including planned or expected relationships; 3. asking about the amount; 4. adding the following as types: employment, food and beverage, gifts, “benefit through professional status” (e.g., clinician performing a procedure of relevance for a professional fee); 5. including non-financial relationships as its own separate category to give it its due value, with specific examples (e.g., public adoption of a well formed point of view on a controversial issue). These suggestions were discussed with Dr. Elie Akl.

  • Aftab Ahmed
    Apollo Hospital
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 19:19

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Vishnu Parvathareddy
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 16:39

  • Thomas Lempert
    Department of Neurology, Schlosspark-Klinik, Berlin
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
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    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 11:44

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: The Expert Committee for Transparency and Independence of the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association (DCGMA) welcomes the ICMJE proposal for a revised declaration of interests. We would like to propose the following amendments: 1. The ICMJE defines the “potential for conflict of interest” and leaves open what actually constitutes a conflict of interest (COI). This “softening of language” makes the concept of COI opaque. The IOM-definition unambiguously states that a COI is a risk situation. The situation poses an increased risk for a biased judgement. The risk is caused by the concurrent existence of a primary and a secondary interest. Bias results from the secondary interest outweighing the primary interest. A COI is the characteristic of a situation, regardless if the outcome is a biased judgment or not. The strength of the IOM-definition is the evaluation of COI ex ante. It is important to stress that the concept of COI means to evaluate and judge a situation, not a person. From this perspective, COI does not imply any stigma and has nothing to do with wrongdoing. In our opinion, it is not advisable to soften the language at the cost of clarity.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: 2. We agree that it is useful to emphasize direct and topically related interests. However, a financial relationship between an author and an industrial company may cause COI even if this relationship is not topically related to the content of the article in question. The principle of reciprocity which underlies most COI is activated by receiving something from someone, no matter for which project or purpose. When reading the proposed rules for disclosure, authors may feel that topically unrelated payments from a sponsor - who nevertheless may have an interest in the content of the work reported - may not be relevant and can be omitted. Therefore, we feel that a statement about this type of COI needs to be included. 3. We propose to ask peer reviewers to declare their COI as well. Many reviewers tend to have similar COI as authors which may lead to a particularly high risk of bias. Prof. Thomas Lempert, M.D. Prof. David Klemperer, M.D. Birke Schneider, M.D. Prof. Klaus Lieb, M.D. Head of the Expert Committee for Transparency and Independence Prof. Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, M.D., Head of the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association Prof. Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen, M.D. Prof. Johannes Koebberling, M.D.

  • Ahmed Imran Siddiqi
    Shaukat Khanam Memorial Hospital and Research Centre
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
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      • Reviewer for BMJ
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 11:02

  • Ya Chang
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 10:19

  • Ya Chang
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 10:19

  • Ya Chang
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 10:19

  • Peter Kerkhof
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
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      • reviewer
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 09:34

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: Current focus is on (non)financial input possibly interfering with research outcomes. No explicit attention has been given to the impact of certain (negative) research findings on particular companies and depreciation of their market value. Thus far authors are requested to specify equity they possess, not what they sold. I understand that this is a complex issue. However, not reporting what has been sold within a relevant period can make the picture incomplete.

  • Paul Grant
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 - 19:56

  • Zainulabuddin Syed
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 - 13:59

  • John Daniel
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 - 07:58

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Ravi Bolla
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
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    • A reader of medical journals
    • A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Monday, April 27, 2020 - 04:45

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Chad Sparks
    Date Submitted: Monday, April 27, 2020 - 00:15

  • Rodolfo Echeverria
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Saturday, April 25, 2020 - 22:33

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Geraldo Silva-Junior
    State University of Rio de Janeiro
    Role(s): A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Saturday, April 25, 2020 - 06:38

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: No

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: No

  • Rabia GENC
    Ege University
    Role(s): Other
      • Academician
    Date Submitted: Saturday, April 25, 2020 - 04:42

  • Sibel ICKE
    Mardin Artuklu University
    Role(s): Other
      • Academician
    Date Submitted: Saturday, April 25, 2020 - 04:35

  • Scott Lewis
    Date Submitted: Friday, April 24, 2020 - 17:18

    Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Hasan Ali Yucel Education Faculty Educational Science Dept. Guidance and Counseling Program
    Role(s): Other
      • An author for educational psychology article
    Date Submitted: Friday, April 24, 2020 - 11:41

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: The beginnging page is not clear I could not understand how I will find disclosure form.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Nancy Chescheir
    Obstetrics and Gynecology
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    • A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Friday, April 24, 2020 - 10:15

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: Please include a summary section as in the current form, which will make it easier for Journals to be transparent about the contents of the form. Also, I'm told that the prior form does not "play nice" with the Aries Editorial Manager we use at the journal. Could you please work with the most common of the on line manuscript management tools to make sure they can easily use your new form? Thanks for the work you do.

  • Yangheng Fu
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 23, 2020 - 20:12

  • Justin Chronister
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 23, 2020 - 11:50

  • Suseela Kumar
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 23, 2020 - 11:45

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: for MOC /CME

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Smitha Daka
    kaiser Permanente
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 17:43

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • F Curry Grant
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 11:53

  • Costello Medical Publications Team
    Costello Medical
    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
      • Medical communications agency
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 07:48

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: We thank ICMJE for explicitly including the time frame for disclosures. We suggest that the distinction between ‘directly-related’ and ‘topically-related’ are irrelevant if the answer to one of these questions is ‘yes’. Therefore, we would suggest to clarify in the introduction that relationships/activities that are both directly- (during any time frame) and topically-related (36 months) should be disclosed, and include the examples for both, but just ask authors in one ‘any and all’ column to provide this information, emphasising in the column header that it should be used if they report either kind of activity. We appreciate that, in the guidance, it is clarified that the purpose of disclosing this information is to provide transparency to readers and that it is related to anything that readers may find ‘pertinent’. We would suggest simplifying the final sentence in the first paragraph by changing ‘it is preferable that you do so’ to stronger language (e.g. ‘…you should disclose these activities’) and strengthening the directions in the ‘Comments’ column (e.g. ‘Indicate whether you or your institution received payment for these activities’). In the ‘payment or honoraria for…manuscript writing…’ section, we would suggest replacing this with ‘publications’ to capture all publication types.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: We appreciate ICMJE’s effort to capture the most comprehensive information from authors. However, we are concerned that these edits may increase the burden on authors and would potentially lead authors not to disclose all relevant conflicts of interest due to the time required to complete this form. We would therefore suggest that this form be simplified. For instance, we would suggest that authors be asked to indicate the name of the relationship/activity/organisation and then, within that row, be allowed to select via checkbox which kind of activities they have engaged in with that organisation (essentially swapping the rows and columns on the proposed form). This would shorten the form significantly and prevent authors from having to write the same organisation name multiple times for multiple relationships, reducing the burden on authors.

  • Kyaw M. Lwin MD, MPH
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, April 20, 2020 - 14:01

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Wei-ping Liu
    Role(s): An author who publishes work in medical journals
    Date Submitted: Sunday, April 19, 2020 - 06:49

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Simona Abid
    Halton Healthcare, Ontario, Canada
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Friday, April 17, 2020 - 15:11

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Robert Heyer
    Atrium Health
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Friday, April 17, 2020 - 09:15

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Daniel McGowan
    Edanz Group
    Role(s): Other
      • Publications professional
    Date Submitted: Friday, April 17, 2020 - 04:27

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: Yes, but examples of what types of potential conflict fit each category, as was shown in the previous form, would be VERY useful to avoid potential confusion. For example, would fees received by an author's affiliation for enrolling patients into an industry-sponsored clinical trial fall under the category "grant" or perhaps "other"? Ideally this sort of thing would be clarified in the form. Thank you.

  • Felizen Agno
    Auburn Cardiology Associates/Auburn Community Hospital
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 16, 2020 - 13:28

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: N/a

  • Gwilym Webb
    Oxford University Hospitals
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 16, 2020 - 05:23

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: I wish to take this opportunity to plead with ICMJE not to produce another version of their disclosure form that mandates the use of proprietary software (Adobe Acrobat). I have previously discussed this with ICMJE and this new proposed version represents an opportunity to correct this. Several members of the committee represent organisations that have professed adherence to open standards but continued use of a form that required proprietary software would be directly contrary to this.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Lisa Braverman
    American Society for Radiation Oncology
    Role(s): A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - 14:22

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Appreciate the move to comprehensive disclosures. Concerned about user friendliness -- can authors still fill in the form, and will there be an auto-generated statement? Authors still have to make some decisions about what disclosures are relevant.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: Need to have a section for author name, paper title, corresponding author, etc.

  • Yoonjung Cho
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - 02:00

  • Sylwia Ufnalska
    European Association of Science Editors (EASE)
    Role(s): Other
      • freelance science editor and translator, coordinator and editor of EASE Guidelines
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 - 18:28

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: However, the form seems to overlook the possibility of financial support promised to be given AFTER publication of a manuscript or given to the author's family member

  • Nilesh Patel
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 - 15:39

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Yeshanew Teklie
    Role(s): A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 - 00:02

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

  • Jonathan Bryan
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, April 13, 2020 - 10:21

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: Hard to tell what this is. Very legalistic.

  • Matthew Estill
    Date Submitted: Saturday, April 11, 2020 - 11:23

  • Matthew Estill
    Guthrie Clinic
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Saturday, April 11, 2020 - 11:13

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Michelle Koutsantonis
    Role(s): Other
      • Medical Writer
    Date Submitted: Friday, April 10, 2020 - 10:22

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: In the "name the relationship" column, is each line item the activity, the funding source, or both? It is not clear. For example, if you have topically related consulting fees from 4 companies and directly related consulting from 1 company, are those separated into 5 line items or would this be 2 line items? Do you have to actually name the funding source at all or just the activity? Providing examples of commonly reported disclosures would be very helpful.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: I applaud you for trying to fix the form as the previous one was incredibly confusing.

  • Pramila Veeraswamy
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 9, 2020 - 22:14

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No

  • Pramila Veeraswamy
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 9, 2020 - 22:13

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No

  • Abdullah Mubarak
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 - 14:32

  • Hannah Slodov
    Role(s): Other
      • Liability
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 - 11:14

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: I would suggest clearly indicating the specific penalties for falsifying a disclosure form.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Arup Das Gupta
    Date Submitted: Thursday, April 2, 2020 - 03:04

  • Yufeng Yin
    The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 - 19:36

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Paunel Vukasinov
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - 13:05

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Arvind Minz
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - 11:04

  • A K M Jamiur Rahman
    Armed Forces Medical College
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 - 14:21

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • GSK employees compiled feedback
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
    Date Submitted: Monday, March 23, 2020 - 07:11

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Removal of the word “potential” is an improvement certainly and should aid clarity along with asking authors to disclose all relationships/activities - to help avoid the ambiguity around what constitutes a “relevant/potential” COI, and allowing the reader to make the decision aids transparency. We like the idea of providing a checklist of relationships/activities to help authors, this should provide much needed consistency. We have encountered the software problems during author liaison for the previous ICMJE form, so we are pleased to learn that this is being addressed. The notion that journals will start changing the way in which COIs are collected requires more thought. The terminology ‘relation directly related to work’ and ‘topical related to work’ in proposed form seem analogous to ‘Work Under Consideration for Publication’ and ‘Relevant financial activities outside the submitted work’ in current disclosure form. Additional description around ‘topical engagement related to work’ will be useful. Consulting fees is a vast term and it seems there might be some overlap between categories: e.g. if you would hire an external consultant to write your manuscript, you could enter it under: Payment or honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers, bureaus, manuscript writing, or educational events; Receipt of equipment, materials, drugs, writing, or other services; Consulting fees. The “__yes __no” in the first column is not needed as the headings could immediately indicate that it is a “yes” (e.g. relationship directly related to the reported work) Because when it is a “no”, nothing needs to be entered. This could avoid having to tick each time “yes” or “no”. Might a decision tree better guide the authors through the process. Each “yes” would lead to a standard sentence to be used in the COI disclosure at the end of an article. Suggest to have the form in the 1st page and the legends/instructions in the second one. It might also be useful to encourage listing agency, companies, with name and country at least.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: It is very detailed. I see a value as it guides the authors and help them identify what they should declare. I leave it however up to potential authors to confirm if appropriate. Employment fees is missing from the list; Mention shares? (as these are different from stock options?) The proposed form has specifically identified many relations that can be considered as CoI, which will be helpful to authors.

  • John L. Ghertner MD
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Saturday, March 21, 2020 - 12:56

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

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    • Yes
    Comments: Whatever is changed is not adequate unless or until penalties are proscribed for incomplete reporting. “Forgetting” is neither a protection in criminal or civil law, nor should it be here. If a physician or author is smart enough to publish and to have many other outside connections, then it must be assumed he can keep up with his associations, incomes, etc. Including penalties will surely improve memory. As an internist I have little respect right now for research and the journals that publish it.

  • Leslie Avant
    Date Submitted: Friday, March 20, 2020 - 15:40

  • Richard Schreiber MD
    Geisinger Health System
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    • A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Thursday, March 19, 2020 - 11:26

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: The form seems straightforward and easy to comprehend. I also like the proposal to use web based repositories to collect and report the ICMJE requirements.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Neil Navarrez
    Role(s): A health care professional
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 11:41

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Daniela Finizio
    Role(s): Other
      • authors editor
    Date Submitted: Friday, March 13, 2020 - 11:06

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: I feel authours may be reluctant to enter in such a level of details. I would rather create broader categories

  • Andrea Cifelli on behalf of Envision Pharma Group
    Envision Pharma Group
    Role(s): Other
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 - 07:55

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: The distinctions between “directly-related” and “topically-related” will vary based on topics of publication and may need to be defined more clearly, as noted in previous comments. Based on the instructions, it seems that a disclosure can be either directly related or topically related, but not both. This may be misunderstood, with authors potentially selecting both categories. A more intuitive way of presenting these categories may help. In the second column of the form, are authors supposed to specify all relationships/activities, not just list the company that they have the relationship with? This is not quite clear. Furthermore, guidance on how to report disclosures for an individual author vs disclosure for their institution(s) should be provided. Some of the wording is ambiguous or difficult to understand for non-native English speakers (for example ‘fiduciary’ or ‘topical’) and should be replaced with plain language terms. It may be useful to state explicitly that all financial relationships, regardless of monetary amount, should be declared to prevent non-disclosure of smaller amounts, which may appear ‘negligible’ to authors. Finally, in addition to previous comments, please note that there is no obvious option for present and (recent) past employment as a conflict of interest.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: Some forms of support should not be grouped together (e.g., receipt of materials and receipt of writing), as disclosure of writing support may easily be overlooked if presented in this way. We suggest ‘writing’ to be a separate category and for the term to be expanded to include other types of support, i.e., change ‘writing’ to ‘medical writing/editorial support’ (which includes writing, figure preparation, copy-editing, proof-reading, etc). Furthermore, we suggest the inclusion of open-access fees (often paid for by sponsors) as a form of support to be disclosed. We suggest the addition shown in bold underlined font below to the following statement: Although the existence of a relationship or activity may not represent a problematic influence on your work, a complete listing helps to reassure readers of your commitment to transparency and is required by Good Publication Practice (GPP) guidelines. Will this form be translated into other languages? This may be particularly important for authors from the Asia-Pacific region. Will there be an auto-generated disclosure that is generated from the form? The previous version did this and the auto-generated disclosure summary did not always read as clearly as what was entered into the form.

  • Koji Dohi
    EMC KK
    Role(s): Other
      • Mecal writing agency
    Date Submitted: Monday, March 9, 2020 - 23:58

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: Could you make an entry field for authors who are employees of pharmaceutical company? They received salary to be disclosed but it is not clearly specified in the form. They are always confused. Thank you.

  • Gregory Hess, MD MBA MSc
    Drexel College of Medicine, Drexel University
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
      • Invited Reviewer
    Date Submitted: Monday, March 9, 2020 - 16:42

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: I support the changes you have proposed. I also strongly believe that ICMJE should significantly tighten the definitions of who qualifies to be an author. In my experience many companies and institutions very loosely interpret "Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work," - particularly the latter text. The criteria should be shortened and/or positive and negative examples accompanying the criteria would be helpful. Lastly, enforcement with significant penalties for those who violate ICMJE guidelines would serve as a potential deterrent of "ghost" authors, etc. Thank you for the consideration of my input and perspective.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: From a colleague: "Where I part ways with the authors is their statement: "Many stakeholders — editors, peer reviewers, clinicians, educators, policymakers, patients, and the public — rely on the disclosure of authors’ relationships and activities to inform their assessments." One can only speculate about what disclosures mean for the validity of the science in a manuscript. When one relies on disclosures, you open the door to your own prejudices affecting your assessment. As I noted in my most recent article: Kesselheim et al. found that industry sponsorship appreciably and negatively influenced the perception of the quality of the work and the willingness of clinicians to believe and act on the (clinical) trial findings. In this case, the potential hazard for patients is clear if their treating physician relies on sponsorship or affiliation to judge whether a treatment might be helpful for patients. So, I always caution researchers to rely on their scientific assessments. Disclosure has a role in keeping things honest, but I have never found it helpful in evaluating a scientific finding. Certainly, one can’t rely on it."

  • Thomas E Finucane
    Massachusetts General Hospital
    Role(s): An author who publishes work in medical journals
    Date Submitted: Saturday, February 29, 2020 - 21:28

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: The CEO of the ADA reports no conflict of interest when authoring an Annals paper calling for strict glycemic targets. The ADA gets millions from industry and strict glycemic targets drive a lot of sales. Who will judge whether the relationship is directly, topically, or not related to the topic? Patient advocacy groups require serious attention.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: The information that is collected is from the author. I'm hoping for a framework that addresses the well-documented human tendency to overestimate your own moral success.

  • Paul J Martin
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
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    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Thursday, February 27, 2020 - 11:55

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: This revision represents a quantum leap in the utility of the information by drawing appropriate distinctions between directly and and topically related activities and by drawing distinctions between current financial benefit (e.g., licenses and royalties) and potential future financial benefit (e.g., patents). Investigators could easily maintain a complete list of all relationships and then simply check the appropriate boxes for directly and topically related activities when manuscripts are submitted. Those that are neither directly nor topically related could be retained by checking both "no" boxes or could be deleted from the submitted form. I suggest that you draw a distinction between stock ownership and stock options. The latter represents potential remuneration for the activity, while the former does not. I assume that the form will be converted to an electronic format when adopted. I strongly recommend that you beta test the electronic form before implementation.

  • Kyoko Kelly
    Role(s): Other
      • Employee involved in medical publications of company's sponsored clinical studies
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 - 12:21

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Please indicate where present/recent past employment (eg of a for-profit company that might financially benefit from the research being reported) should be indicated. It was not clear in the current version of the form; I presume it belongs in the last "other" row of the revised form. Based on my experience, employee authors may not realize this is where it should be disclosed.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Suzan E Kardong-Edgren
    Texas Health Resources
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
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    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, February 24, 2020 - 20:54

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: I cannot even GET to the ICMJE disclosure because of all of the garbage associated with trying to figure out how to navigate 3 pages of Adobe acrobat ads. I edited an Elsevier journal for 10 years and we did adopted reasonable checks on manuscripts but all of the extra garbage these days will stop many new authors who have no idea what MOST of the ICMJE statements are. Being afraid of going to jail for choosing the wrong one is a reality.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No

  • Christine Rudock
    NSABP Foundation, Inc.
    Role(s): Other
      • Publication Assistant
    Date Submitted: Friday, February 21, 2020 - 15:05

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Please excuse this comment it is entirely off topic. Please take into consideration when saving the newly proposed ICMJE PDF form that it be saved/downloaded in a generic PDF format. I do not have Adobe Acrobat as my PDF program as a result some text is being cut off on the original ICMJE PDF form. Thank you for your attention.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Dr. Rano Mal Piryani
    Universal College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, Nepal
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
      • Manuscript Reviewer, Editorial Board member, Medical Educationist, Rsource person for trainings
    Date Submitted: Monday, February 17, 2020 - 09:01

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: It is comparably easy for Healthcare professionals to understand the proposed ICMJE Disclosure Form but difficult for common man to understand and interpret the information. I have one query regarding utility of this form. Will this form be displayed along with published article on website of journal or journal management will supply to anyone who request for disclosure related to particular article. How confidentiality will be maintained.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: The people (researcher/authors) receive gifts like car. The statement in this regard is not mentioned in proposed disclosure form.

  • Roy Beck
    JAEB Center for Health Research Foundation, Inc.
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • Other
      • Deputy Editor (JAMA Ophthalmology)
    Date Submitted: Sunday, February 16, 2020 - 10:26

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: ICMJE Disclosure Form Comments Roy Beck 1. Is ‘Name of the relationship or activity’ column header intended to mean the name of the entity? As worded, I interpret it literally to mean the type of relationship or activity, but I don’t see another column for the name of entity so I am assuming that this is the intent. 2. How should the form be completed for the situation where a company has provided funding for the work reported- so it is directly related; but also has provided funding for prior studies within 3 years- should both the ‘directly related’ and ‘topically related’ columns be marked ‘yes’ or does directly related supersede topically related and only one should be selected in each row? 3. If for the work reported a company provided both funding and equipment, would the company be listed twice under grants/contracts and under receipt of equipment? 4. If a company provided equipment for the work reported as well as for prior studies within 3 years, would ‘receipt of equipment…’ be answered yes for both directly related and topically related? 5. As ‘directly related’ is defined (supported the work), it does not seem like most of the rows are possible to answer yes (continued below)

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: and it may cause confusion if yes/no requires a response for directly related—the only ones ‘directly related’ seems like it could apply are grants/contracts, consulting fees, and receipt of equipment… The rest seem like they could only be topically related by definition. 6. A more logical order for the form would be to move ‘receipt of equipment…’ to be row 2’ 7. In most multi-center clinical trials, there is a study initiation meeting for the investigators irrespective of funding source which could be NIH, foundation, or industry. Would this require the row for ‘support for attending meeting’ to be ‘yes’, or is this intended just to refer to travel outside of the work reported? 8. For the row, ‘participation on a Data Safety Monitoring Board, Advisory Board…’, I suggest consideration be given to moving Data Safety Monitoring Board to the subsequent row. I feel that it is quite different than serving on an Ad Board or Guideline Panel. Additionally, an individual serving on DSMB should virtually never be an author of the submitted work (unless it happens to be some type of methodologic paper about the DSMB and not the study).

  • Kelly Thompson
    The George Institute for Global Health
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Thursday, February 13, 2020 - 19:46

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Rick Vreman
    Utrecht University
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • Other
      • Governmental
    Date Submitted: Thursday, February 13, 2020 - 10:03

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: E.g. A PhD student is funded through a collaboration between governmental and academic institutes, unrelated to a specific topic. The funding is therefore also unrelated to any specific articles. Therefore not DIRECTLY related to the WORK that is submitted, but only related to the general appointment of the PhD student. I personally would disclose such a financial relation for any article that is published by this PhD student, but this obligation is not clear to me from the Form. To be precise: the term DIRECT is unclear to me. Is it DIRECTLY related to the ARTICLE in question (which the form now seems to imply), or more general DIRECTLY related to ANY WORK that the researcher does.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: I propose to include a section that explains explicitly what NOT to disclose. For example, affiliations, if they are / aren't mentioned in the author affiliation section. Should we disclose? Additionally, I think it would be helpful if the form specified what defines as Funding and what defines as Conflicts of Interest. Many journals ask for separate paragraphs defining Funding as well as COI, but the Disclosure Form seems to include both. What sections of the Disclosure Form go into Funding and what sections into COI? It would be tremendously helpful to authors and it would make reporting way more consistent between authors if this was clarified.

  • Michael Diamond
    University of Washington
    Role(s): Other
      • Author who publishes in non-medical journals
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - 17:01

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: The American Geophysical Union has recently started using the old ICMJE form for author disclosures, in addition to funding disclosures within the Acknowledgements section of papers in AGU journals. Although I agree with the principles of transparency the form is striving for, I have major concerns about the phrasing of the original form, especially the "relevant conflicts of interest" line in Section 2. I do not consider federal grants to be conflicts of interest. As arguments have been made by some politicians and policymakers that, e.g., receiving EPA funding should be disqualifying "conflicts of interest" for scientists sitting on EPA advisory panels, I do believe we should be very careful and deliberate in our characterization of disclosure information. Based on the new form language, it appears that the ICMJE agrees. The amended form is much better in this regard.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Lewis Sandy
    UnitedHealth Group
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - 12:55

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: The ICMJE is on the right track in the sense that the proposed form emphasizes reporting relationships vs. asking authors to self-define vague terms. That said, "topically related" is another potential can of worms. What is the boundary of what is "topically related"? What do you mean by "the broadly defined field addressed in the work?" The author has to self-define what the boundary of the work is, and then figure out whether their relationships are "topically related". So you are right back in the "relevance" problem. As a journal reader, I would prefer an approach that asks authors for the data on their relationships, and then the journal summarizes the information as: no material relationships; potentially material relationships, and material relationships. Then let me the reader decide in the latter two cases whether the relationships are "conflicted" or not as it relates to what I'm reading.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: The proposed form (and the current one) (unlike many others) has no threshold, lower bound, or definition of "material". This seems outdated and inconsistent with many other disclosure forms (like the ones used by the Federal Govt). It is a quaint notion, but charitable foundations have agendas too, so ALL funding sources and relationships should be disclosed. All health care related employment and ownership relationships should be disclosed.

  • stephanie dean
    Role(s): A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Monday, February 10, 2020 - 12:34
    Comments: 1. Will this be a online-fillable form and do you plan to work with peer review system vendors to offer the option to incorporate the form into their systems, so responses can be exported to printers? As is, this form will be hard to reproduce in print without rekeying the information. 2. Is discerning between directly related vs. topically related that crucial? Related is related... Could we not just have one column and say Is this relationship or activity RELATED to the work reported (either directly or topically)? and then define what directly or topically mean below the table? 3.0 Can you roll some of the rows into others? eg, add "expert testimony" to this one: Payment or honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers bureaus, manuscript writing, EXPERT TESTIMONY, or educational events

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Carlos Quevedo Fonseca
    Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de las FAR
    Role(s): A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Monday, February 10, 2020 - 11:38

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Clark Anderson
    The Ohio State University College of Medicine
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
      • Scientist
    Date Submitted: Thursday, February 6, 2020 - 09:02

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: January 29, 2020 On the ICMJE Disclosure Form , comments from a reader and contributor. Dear Committee Members: I believe that entirely too much energy is being devoted to defining disclosure and conflict of interest, and not enough is being dedicated to the more important issue of defining and dealing with misconduct or wrongdoing. Wrongdoing has been my recent focus: I have made a major effort over the past two years, at the start of my emeritus professorship, toward the dissection of a small set of papers reporting a clinical study of a new drug for a fatal disease, a drug that according to my interpretation of the papers shows no efficacy, yet it received rave reviews in major journals and was approved by the AMA and the EMA. The study was led by an academic and supported by the drug maker. Approval, in my estimation, resulted from shrewd obfuscation of the results such that the basic information was unavailable to any except the most assiduous reviewer, of whom I think there were none. I succeeded by sheer tenacity. Thus, the wrongdoing in this case was of two sorts; one, the drug’s lack of efficacy was hidden; two, the papers were written in a manner that not only disguised the drug’s shortcomings from the scrutiny of reviewers but embellished benefit. I have just recently published my analysis in manuscript form (Doubts about the efficacy of tolvaptan for polycystic kidney disease. doi: 10.5414/CN109927Letter. e-pub: January 30, 2020)(manuscript attached). Preparation and submission of my manuscript encountered severe resistance. Virtually none of my colleagues (at a large research university) were willing to read, analyze, or critique my paper after I briefly summarized its contents. Submissions to ten (mostly kidney) journals were met with rejections after reviews from experts with obvious conflicts of interest, who likewise, were unwilling to comment on the substance of my criticisms. I have no explanation for the acceptance by Clinical Nephrology, although multiple submissions and revisions had vitiated my paper. My overall inference from this experience, consistent with my impressions after forty years as an NIH R01 award-funded principle investigator, is that dishonesty permeates the academy, especially when Pharma is involved. I concur with Donald Kennedy, former editor of Science, who said many years ago in discussing scientific misconduct, that a persistent substratum of mendacity infuses our society. Further, I believe that the tolerance for misconduct is high; misconduct is met with silence unless the offences are so gross as to fulfill NIH definitions. My recommendation to deal with the wrongdoing that I describe above is to force immediate publication of papers that describe perceived dishonesty. My paper would thus have been published early, before it was rejected by my peers. Every reader would have had the opportunity to consider the merits of my criticisms. Were my critical comments baseless, such would have become clear immediately and the issues would have been dropped. Were the criticisms substantive, patients and their physicians would have been forewarned as they considered use of the drug. I intend my comments to apply to a specific form of wrongdoing that fits my example. Let this solution serve as a prototype for dealing with other forms of wrongdoing. Sincerely yours, Clark L. Anderson Clark L. Anderson 2536 Canterbury Road Upper Arlington, OH 43221 614-421-6947 home 614-530-8900 cell

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Alessia Mariacher
    Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Lazio e Toscana
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 - 09:23

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Susanne Saussele
    UMM Mannheim, Germany
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 - 07:43

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: As a non native english speaker it is not absolutely clear what topically means and why this difference is made. as other I fully support the suggestion to distinguish 2 sections: related disclosures and all other

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: I agree with othr comemnts that it is most propably a big difference in the amount of support reveived from any institution /Comany so this sould be categoriezed in different levels.

  • Paul Axelsson
    Nordsjællands Hospital Hillerød, Denmark
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, February 3, 2020 - 13:28

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: You have not considered religious beliefs, and if they can affect the conclusions of the paper. E.g. papers regarding male circumsision - do the authors hold religious beliefs where this is considered normal? Or even other personal convictions: If I were to publish a paper regarding vegetarian diet, I would feel I was not disclosing conflicts of interest, if I did not report my own dietary preferences.

  • Mohammad Hamid
    Date Submitted: Sunday, February 2, 2020 - 09:16

  • Christopeher Cannon
    Brigham and Women's Hospital
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    • A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Friday, January 31, 2020 - 08:34

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: see below

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: THE issue that you highlight is the repetitiveness of doing a new form for each paper. You say that now you would need to do this just once, and have it posted online for anyone to see at any time. BUT - then you can't ask the question of "Is this relationship or activity DIRECTLY RELATED to the work reported? Time frame for reporting is from the initial conception and planning of the work to the present." that would need to be tailored to each submission - so it defeats the purpose of having one central disclosure...

  • Sherief Kamel
    Horizon Health
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Friday, January 31, 2020 - 06:54

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: For dietary/nutrition articles, authors should disclose personal dietary preferences as well as investments/payments from food-related companies. These biases are very prominent and should be clearly started.

  • Alan Purvis
    Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong Medical Journal
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    • A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 22:42

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: First, thank you for your invaluable work! The new form is a great improvement. Some comments: - There is growing scientific output from Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and elsewhere. It would make the form more accessible for non-native English speaking authors from these and other countries if the wording were clearer, more direct, and more concise. While I am sure translations will be available, English language journals will no doubt provide only the English version and expect the English version to be submitted, for their English-speaking audience. - For the same reason, I agree with some other commenters that the distinction between 'direct' and 'topically' related could be worded more clearly.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: - I wonder if the distinction between 'direct' and 'topically' related adds unnecessary complexity? Including those categories tacitly suggests that authors need only report activities that fall into one (or both) of the categories, which seems contrary to the intention for authors to disclose everything and allow the reader to decide. - Presumably, the intention is for the entire completed form to be published alongside any publications. However, many journals currently publish a summary of COI within the article. Will the final form provide a short summary, such as that provided by the current ICMJE COI disclosure form? - Will the form (or accompanying instructions) go as far as providing guidance for journals/authors on how the collected information can be simply included in a manuscript and/or stored/published elsewhere and linked?

  • Karin Nyfort-Hansen
    Adelaide University, University of South Australia
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 22:02

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: I think "Stock and stock options" requires further clarification. Many authors may have indirect interest in relevant stocks held in superannuation/investment funds.Some guidance about whether these need to be disclosed would be useful. "Receipt of equipment,materials, drugs,writing, or other services" should specifically mention software.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: In the interests of transparency this form would also be suitable for peer reviewers.

  • Guy B. Faguet
    Augusta University (retired)
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 11:52

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: To expect "that readers can decide whether these relationships or activities should influence their assessments of the work" is akin of expecting readers to decide whether the content of a paper is trustworthy. In a soon to be published book I reveal that "while medical science has progressed remarkably over the years, today’s publishing process is afflicted by numerous shortcomings including participants’ varying skills and self-regulations policies powerless to restrain participants seeking career advancement, notoriety, or financial gain." That includes a number of researchers, authors, peer-reviewers, editors - and the influence of the for-profit publishing and pharmaceutical industries on the medical literature.

  • donna berry
    University of Washington
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 11:48

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: It is uncertain for this "Payment or honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers bureaus, manuscript writing,or educational events," whether to include those from non-profits (e.g. universities, professional foundations) as well as for-profits. Same for this: "Support for attending meetings and/or travel." And what if one's one department pays for travel directly related?

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • John Waterton
    University of Manchester
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 06:03

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: I have some comments on how affiliation and salary are disclosed. A high-impact paper can have substantial financial consequences. For an academic author, it may bring increased salary and improved career prospects. For the institution it brings prestige. Press coverage may attract students to universities and patients to hospitals. Grant income may flow. Companies may attract business and investment. My own experience, working both in academia and formerly in Pharma, is that journals can have different approaches to such disclosures. - Many journals appear to feel that their responsibility to disclose affiliations is discharged simply by footnoting affiliations to the author list. This may be correct, although when authors move institutions it may not capture all the relevant affiliations which were current during the time window of the study. Also it does not distinguish non-salaried (honorary) positions from salaried positions, which may be important. - Other journals have very stringent conflict-of-interest rules which seem even to exclude the possibility of a scientist or physician, employed by a for-profit company, publishing the results of their research conducted in the normal course of their duties. I welcome the move from "Conflict-of-Interest" to "Disclosure" and I suggest that authors should disclose their institutional affiliations, from study inception to date of disclosure, distinguishing salaried from non-salaried affiliations.

  • Steven Rizk
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
      • Biotech Medical Affairs Professional
    Date Submitted: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 00:20

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: I would be even more clear in the table that grants to institutions also should be reported. I know it is defined above. However, many authors still consider the fact that they do not receive any payment directly as a reason to not disclose the relationship.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Kristen Perry
    MediTech Media
    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
      • Medical Writer
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 17:01

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: I understand that the terms "directly related" and "topically related" are meant to improve clarity, but they are confusing and could be simplified. I also think the document is too wordy. Lastly, by having discrete categories for disclosure type, the form risks missing activities and confusing authors. Overall, I think that by asking the author to categorise their disclosures in multiple ways - i.e. directly related, topically related, grants or contracts, consulting fees, etc - the form makes it more difficult for authors to be open and clear about their activities. As raised in the editorial: I would suggest the ICJME, perhaps with funding from pharmaceutical donors keen to pledge their commitment to transparency, could create a repository themselves. The repository would include a detailed form allowing authors to make their disclosures freely and openly, but with category prompts (e.g. grants, honoraria, etc) to ensure nothing is missed. This means the disclosures would not be linked to any specific piece of work, and would remove the issues with "direct" and "topical" relatedness. With each publication, journals could publish all disclosures (e.g. historical and current, related and non-related), a subset based on time frame, or perhaps a relevant subset selected by the editor. Regardless, all online articles could contain a link back to the author's full profile in the repository.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: I think the information is appropriate, but the form does not achieve what it's trying to.

  • Laura J. Fochtmann, MD, MBI
    Stony Brook University
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
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    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
      • Guideline developer
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 15:18

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: The delineation of direct vs. topical relationships is not at all clear. A paper may focus on a specific hypothesis yet include general topical information as background in the introduction or discussion. For direct activities, the delineation of initial planning and conceptualization phase is also unclear. For example, if a paper related to a longitudinal study with a 20 y followup, would 20+ years of disclosures be needed? It is not clear why serving on a guideline panel or data safety monitoring board would be a potential conflict, particularly if uncompensated. It is also not clear why giving academic lectures with travel and honorarium funded by the university would be a potential conflict.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: Although the form seems quite detailed (perhaps overly so), there are significant gaps. For example, limiting potential conflicts to direct and topical content seems insufficient. To use the diabetes example on the form, this implies that an individual could have major industry relationships, stock or patents regarding other medical conditions that would not need to be declared. Conflicts unrelated to diseases or treatments may also be relevant as medicine becomes more and more technological (e.g., artificial intelligence, electronic records and health apps). The form also does not require disclosing whether specific activities (e.g., lectures, consulting, travel, expert testimony, other services) are compensated by commercial entities. Many conflict of interest policies also require disclosures of significant familial relationships to industry (e.g., spousal employment by relevant commercial entities) and providing reporting thresholds or ranges of compensation received (e.g., a $300 non-profit honoraria is quite different than $300,000 of commercial consulting fees).

  • Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle
    Universidade Vila Velha
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
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    • A reader of medical journals
    • A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 12:54

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: ICMJE might consider a process for endorsing translated forms, facilitating uptake by journals publishing in other languages.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: I'd like to see somewhere a rationale for the 36-month period. Not that I'm opposing; any length of time would be arbitrary and might be the best for some cases.

  • Al Musella
    Musella Foundation For Brain Tumor Research & Information, Inc
    Role(s): Other
      • Funder of research
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 11:34

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: I think that there should be some minimum threshold amount of money involved before something has to be reported. For example, a recent Medicare advisory board removed all participants who reported $25 or more received in thier lifetime from the drug company under investigation. Just attending an educational event where food is served disqualified half of the experts - the 1/2 who had interest in the treatment leaving people who had no knowledge of the product. Perhaps create a threshold of $1,000 - anything less than that does not need to be disclosed. Or perhaps a % of annual income. For a researcher making $50,000 a year, a $1,000 gift may be significant. For one making $500,000 a year, the $1,000 gift is meaningless.

  • John Ghertner
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 10:53

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: Full disclosure should have been instituted decades ago. Full disclosure should mean full disclosure; if this form does not capture everything then it is not acceptable. Therefore, there should be a last column for every other relationship not listed above. Clearly, future publications will refer to online conflicts sections so the length is irrelevant as long as the author a. Attests to the validity of the document, b. Lists the relevant relationship above the rest, and c. Extremely harsh penalties ensue for failure including the banning of publication of future work and loss of licensure for fraud.

  • Paul Heidenreich
    Stanford University/VA Palo Alto HCS
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
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    • A reader of medical journals
    • A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 10:39

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: More guidance on the entity with whom you have the relationship would be helpful. Is there any limit on the entity with whom one has the relationship? If correct, you should make it clear that this includes any entity (including your own Department/employer) with whom you have a financial transaction (research or otherwise) . If someone is a consultant on someone else's government grant will this be listed under the consultant section?

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: Public/government funding should be dropped. Employment is more important and more likely to represent a conflict (e.g studies of outcome at hospitals). I believe the editors should do more to guide the reader into what is a major conflict, minor conflict and no conflict. Otherwise the presence of any information may be assumed to bias the publication. Most readers will not understand that authors are being asked to list non-relevant information. Ultimately, we should transition to a public website where anyone wishing to publish a manuscript must keep up to date all sources of health or science related personal income and grant/contract income regardless of relevance.

  • Michelle Colder Carras
    Role(s): An author who publishes work in medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 10:20

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: Please explain "Name of the relationship or activity".

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: I also feel that monetary amounts are important, and I would like clarification on smaller benefits like lunch or dinner from an industry sponsor. Perhaps these could be aligned with government requirements for conflict of interest reporting. One thing that would be good for many of us is an option for disclosing intellectual conflict of interest. I always disclose the fact that I play video games in my papers/presentations about the benefits and problems of video gaming. This is relevant to many other areas.

  • Pirovano
    • A patient
    • Other
      • Clinical Trial Coordinator and ethician
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 07:38

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: It is easy and complete, but maybe a bit too long with the comments part. It can be a lot of information in one time.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: "Participation on a Data Safety Monitoring Board, Advisory Board, or Guideline Panel" is very interesting.

  • Derrick Moore
    American Hospital Dubai
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 06:30

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: It should include PAST associations too. There are physicians who moves from one pharma to another, AND BACK AGAIN, and don't list the relationship they had with one 3 years again, which they will have with the same company next year.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: See above

  • Marion Rowland
    University College Dublin
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 06:27

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: I suggest that the question of grants/contracts from should have an individual Yes/No for each funding source as well as the name of the funding body. The approximate monetary value (<25000, <50000, ect) would be a useful disclosure to understand where the bulk of funding is coming from for a particular research project. This would hopefully identify the contribution/influence of soft industry funding to government awards.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: 1.Improving disclosures and reducing bias in reviewing could be improved if the reviewer was unaware of who or where the work was from- remove all names, credentials and conflict of interest forms from the first round of peer reviews 2.It would also be beneficial if peer reviewers made similar disclosures of their real and/or perceived conflicts of interest in the field. If the peer reviewers are active/publishing in the field this information should be available from their publications. 3 Reviewers comments should no longer be anonymous in the interest of transparency.

  • Marinus H. van IJzendoorn
    Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    Role(s): An author who publishes work in medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 04:50

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: If the proposal would only ask for disclosures of financial ties, and not ask also for personal ties I would not have an issue with this revision of the guidelines. But the proposal is not clear about these “personal relationships and activities”. So-called non-financial conflicts of interest seem to me to infringe on my right to have a personal life, with private political or religious beliefs and related activities. A hypothetical case illustrates the issues: if an author who is an active but ‘hidden’ homosexual submits a paper to a journal on parental homosexuality or HIV-infection affecting child health and development: should he or she ‘admit’ his or her homosexuality on the Disclosure Form —even though he or she is from a country in which such a personal orientation is forbidden by law (possibly sentenced with a death penalty)? Important also is the problem of not knowing what exactly influential belief systems are in the production and reproduction of scientific knowledge, especially when we have to assume -on empirical grounds—that implicit biases might influence our behavior and that at the same time we are unable to report on them.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: Scientific authors should not allow to be screened for such personal beliefs or the absence thereof during the process of evaluating their scientific work as publishable or in the process to be published. This is at the core of academic freedom and more broadly freedom of speech or freedom to be silent about personal beliefs. Newton believed in astrology, Einstein was a pacifist during war-time, Heidegger a Nazi, Sartre a Maoist, Darwin has been accused of being an atheist, Watson of being a sexist: whatever we feel about such beliefs, as scientists (authors, reviewers, editors) we should evaluate their work as part of World 3 in the sense of Karl Popper, without ties to the author: the data reported in the text are the only important object of scrutiny. Otherwise there is a risk of a new kind of McCarthyism of which Linus Pauling like many other scientists did suffer in the fifties, or closer to modern times: a risk of Erdogan-type of persecution experienced by our scientific colleagues in Turkey, dismissed without due process from their tenured positions because of their political ideas. The EMCJE Disclosure Form should therefore only ask for financial conflicts of interest.

  • Pr. Peter Bramlage
    Institute for Pharmacology and Preventive Medicine
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 04:19

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: It is quite complex and although most may apply in certain situations, it is just too long. It will result in quite complex disclosure lines in the paper.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: - There are too few lines for people with multiple activities, such as Board Meetings with >3 companies - yes/no twice should be solved by the form. If it is yes for "directly related" it should flip to no for "topically related" - Comments are rarely needed - consider establishing a website where authors can maintain their disclosure overall. When writing a two digit number of papers each year, these questionnaires become really annoying.

  • Andy Noble
    Bioscript Group
    Role(s): Other
      • Medical Communications
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 03:56

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Yes, although the form requires close reading to ensure that users don't either declare relationships from a 3-year timeframe for both direct and topical sections, or for a project lifetime for both categories. However, the move to full disclosure reflects the approach that many authors seem to have taken for some time. Personally, I don't like the term 'problematic influence'. I think this could be changed to 'influence' without any real issue.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: As stated above, it reflects the approach that many authors seem to have taken for some time.

  • Thierry Buclin
    University Hospital of Lausanne
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 03:29

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: As an employee of an academic hospital, I receive essentially a salary for my work. Still my department receives research grants and contracts, including from industry, or invoices expert work or lectures that I give. Sometimes I am the one who finds such opportunities. I do not receive any money from this, but it surely increases my visibility and the resources of my department. The proposed form is fairly ambiguous regarding this situation, it suggests that I should report such links, but the only way to do this tends to indicate that I received personally the corresponding resources. The root distinction between self-accepted advantages and contribution to the wealth of one's institution should be made clear!

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: The information on each relationship or activity should include a field designating WHO is actually involved in it, between the author, his/her department, institution, company, etc.

  • Dorothea Kesztyüs
    Institute of General Practice, Ulm University, Germany
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 02:30

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Thank you very much for your valuable work! In the introductory part, "Guidance and definitions", I would stress that a COI should be reported irrespective of the amount of the grant, in particular without any lower limit on monetary grants. Kind regards, Dorothea Kesztyüs

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Soraya Seedat
    Stellenbsoch University
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    • A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 02:09

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: This is a much improved disclosure form. The information requested has been made clearer for authors, especially by the distinction of direct and topically related CoIs.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Galvan Casas, Cristina
    Hospital Universitario de Móstoles
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
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    • Other
      • A reviewer
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 01:53

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: It’d be useful to clarify the exact meaning that the word “topically” has in this context

  • Mohammad Ali Jahani
    Babol university of medical sciences, Babol, Iran
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 23:54

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Jo Ann Shoup
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
      • Reviewer
    Date Submitted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 22:53

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Much improved--however, there is opportunity for much overlap/redundancy. Will editors sort through these redundancies or publish each disclosure comment?

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: May require refinement/definitions for each horizontal and vertical category.

  • Karin A. Fox
    Baylor College of Medicine
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 20:44

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Overall easy, however lack of clear definitions/examples for each category leaves room for interpretation/misunderstanding.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: Overall, very important. My concern is that the form is so comprehensive that it becomes very long and cumbersome. In our academic institution, we have to provide very regular disclosure updates. It would be nice if the same software could be built to compose a single form that covers the relevant information and still be accepted (i.e., design a database that collects this information for academic or other institutions, then generates the "updated" disclosure form at the click of a button - much like the ScienCV feature in PubMed.

  • Loralee Rupp
    Henry Ford Health System
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 19:04

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: It is not fully clear whether items falling into the following two sections should be reported separately if they were funded via a larger grant or contract that was already disclosed in section 1 (Grants/Contracts): (1) Support for attending meetings and/or travel. (2) Receipt of equipment, materials, drugs, writing, or other services. For example, if a grant that is already disclosed under "Grants/Contracts" included funding for: (a) travel to a scientific meeting to present findings from the supported study, and/or (b) materials or drugs for the supported study, should that support also be separately reported in those two sections? Or should items only be disclosed in the two sections in question if they were separately funded from a grant or contract that is NOT disclosed in the "Grants/Contracts" section?

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Ravensara S Travillian
    Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    • A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 18:50

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Kris Krohn
    Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 18:44

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: The new form looks great and is easy to read. Would it be possible to add a section about contracts/MOUs with different organisations (e.g. as part of a at the organisational level rather than just at an individual level (or have a separate form for institutions that this may affect the entirety of?)

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: Yes. This is excellent.

  • Clifton Callaway
    University of Pittsburgh
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 18:40

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: Clarify ‘support and honoraria for meetings.’ An area that is different between this form, my university and some other organizations is payment by another university to cover speaking for grand rounds, educational conferences etc. Universities or non profit professional societies are often excluded. Clarify if the intent is to include them here?

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Simon Finfer
    The George Institute for Global Health, University of New South Wales
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 18:29

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: The division into direct and topically related is understandable but it would be more informative if there was a clear separation into relationships with entities with a financial interest in the results of the research (e.g. commercial funding) and those without (public or not-for profit funding). the new form still lumps these together. Alternatively exclude clearly non-commercial ones - NIH, Wellcome, various national HRCs etc.

    Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Monday, January 27, 2020 - 17:37

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: I hope that all of the medical journals using this form, as its an easy, simple and contains all required data of disclosure.