Comments on the proposed ICMJE Disclosure Form

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  • Andy Noble
    Bioscript Group
    Role(s): Other
      • Medical Communications
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 03:56

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Yes, although the form requires close reading to ensure that users don't either declare relationships from a 3-year timeframe for both direct and topical sections, or for a project lifetime for both categories. However, the move to full disclosure reflects the approach that many authors seem to have taken for some time. Personally, I don't like the term 'problematic influence'. I think this could be changed to 'influence' without any real issue.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: As stated above, it reflects the approach that many authors seem to have taken for some time.

  • Thierry Buclin
    University Hospital of Lausanne
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 03:29

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • No
    Comments: As an employee of an academic hospital, I receive essentially a salary for my work. Still my department receives research grants and contracts, including from industry, or invoices expert work or lectures that I give. Sometimes I am the one who finds such opportunities. I do not receive any money from this, but it surely increases my visibility and the resources of my department. The proposed form is fairly ambiguous regarding this situation, it suggests that I should report such links, but the only way to do this tends to indicate that I received personally the corresponding resources. The root distinction between self-accepted advantages and contribution to the wealth of one's institution should be made clear!

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • No
    Comments: The information on each relationship or activity should include a field designating WHO is actually involved in it, between the author, his/her department, institution, company, etc.

  • Dorothea Kesztyüs
    Institute of General Practice, Ulm University, Germany
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A reader of medical journals
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 02:30

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: Thank you very much for your valuable work! In the introductory part, "Guidance and definitions", I would stress that a COI should be reported irrespective of the amount of the grant, in particular without any lower limit on monetary grants. Kind regards, Dorothea Kesztyüs

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Soraya Seedat
    Stellenbsoch University
    • A health care professional
    • A reader of medical journals
    • A journal editor
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 02:09

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes
    Comments: This is a much improved disclosure form. The information requested has been made clearer for authors, especially by the distinction of direct and topically related CoIs.

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes

  • Galvan Casas, Cristina
    Hospital Universitario de Móstoles
    • An author who publishes work in medical journals
    • A health care professional
    • A patient
    • A reader of medical journals
    • Other
      • A reviewer
    Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 01:53

    It is easy to understand what the ICMJE Disclosure Form is asking to be disclosed.
    • Yes

    The information collected by the ICMJE Disclosure Form is appropriate.
    • Yes
    Comments: It’d be useful to clarify the exact meaning that the word “topically” has in this context
